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Bakra eid story



Bakra Eid, also known as Eid al-Adha or the Feast of Sacrifice, is an important religious festival celebrated by Muslims worldwide. The story behind Bakra Eid originates from the Abrahamic tradition and has its roots in the story of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and his son Ismail (Ishmael).

According to Islamic tradition, Prophet Ibrahim received a command from Allah (God) in a dream to sacrifice his beloved son as a test of his faith and obedience. Ibrahim, known for his unwavering faith, shared this dream with his son Ismail. To their astonishment, Ismail willingly agreed to be sacrificed in submission to Allah's command.

As Ibrahim and Ismail journeyed to fulfill the command, Satan attempted to dissuade Ibrahim from carrying out the sacrifice. However, Ibrahim resisted Satan's temptations and remained steadfast in his devotion to Allah.

When Ibrahim and Ismail reached the designated spot for the sacrifice, Ibrahim prepared to carry out the act. Just as he was about to sacrifice his son, Allah intervened and replaced Ismail with a ram, sparing his life. The ram was sacrificed instead, signifying Ibrahim's unwavering faith and obedience.

In commemoration of Ibrahim's act of obedience and devotion, Muslims around the world celebrate Bakra Eid. During this festival, families gather to offer special prayers at the mosque, listen to sermons, and exchange greetings. The most significant ritual of Bakra Eid involves the sacrifice of an animal, typically a goat, sheep, cow, or camel, symbolizing Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son. The meat from the sacrificed animal is divided into three parts: one-third is kept for the family, one-third is distributed among relatives and friends, and one-third is given to the less fortunate and those in need.

Bakra Eid is a time of reflection, gratitude, and charity. It emphasizes the importance of obedience to Allah, selflessness, and the willingness to make sacrifices for the greater good. It is a joyous occasion that brings communities together, strengthens bonds, and encourages acts of kindness and generosity.


बकरीद, जिसे ईद-उल-अज़हा या ईद-ए-कुर्बान के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, इस्लामिक धर्म का महत्वपूर्ण त्योहार है। यह हज़ पर्व के चार दिन बाद मनाया जाता है और इसमें अल्लाह की कुर्बानी और उसकी सेवा के लिए प्रेरणा ली जाती है। बकरीद का त्योहार पूरे विश्व भर में मुस्लिम समुदाय के द्वारा मनाया जाता है।

इस त्योहार की कथा इस प्रकार है:

प्राचीन काल में हज़रत इब्राहीम (अब्राहम) एक मशहूर और सम्मानित नबी (पैगंबर) थे, जो ईश्वर की आज़माईश और उसकी सेवा के लिए जाने जाते थे। एक रात के सपने में, अल्लाह ने हज़रत इब्राहीम को दृष्टि में आकर आदेश दिया कि वह अपने बेटे इस्माईल (इश्माईल) की कुर्बानी करें। इब्राहीम ने इस आदेश को नवाज़ा और अपने पुत्र को अदीन बनाया।

इब्राहीम और इस्माईल ने गधे पर अपनी यात्रा शुरू की और मक्का के पास ज़मीन खोजी। इस दौरान, शैतान ने उन्हें रोकने की कोशिश की, लेकिन उ

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